Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 08 (1984)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side A).tzx
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7 U}UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 7 000000000000 5 ((prog+474 4 PWWWWWWWWWWPP 4 B.C.THORNE APRIL 1983*S\ 4 16/48 script 3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 3 PWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 3 ;"Jimpix#5 3 +(n$(n,t,15 3 16/48 Magazine Ltd. *6\$: 2 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE": 2 a$="SHEET": 2 a$="ROPE": 2 a$="DOOR": 2 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 2 RUN THE TAPE 2 PWWWWWWWWWWPPPPPPPPPW 2 Magnetic Magazines Ltd.*6\$: 2 LET THE TAPE RUN 2 @@@@@@@@@@@ 2 @@@@@@@@@@ 2 ;"Keep the tape running": 2 ;" ": 2 88888888888888888888888888888888?8888888888888888888888888888888 2 2qqqqqqqqq 2 )+" "+a$(i,t,1 1 ~5~ 1 |- Frozen 1 | - Safe 1 | - You" 1 z$=z$+q$(z) 1 z$="15030204Stop the tape": 1 z$="10020203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="09060302PSYTRON": 1 z$="09010505Castle": 1 z$="07cc0203MICRODRIVES": 1 z$="07010603DATES": 1 z$="04000404Way home": 1 z$="01040303The long": 1 z$="01020304EURODROID": 1 z$="00020305EDITORIAL": 1 z$="0000060516 48": 1 y$="You see ": 1 y$;"the following;": 1 y$;"nothing to help you.": 1 type GOTO GO 1 tt00000000000pt 1 teau Boot la barca fbicycle la bicyclette fFahrrad il ciclo mmotorcycle la moto fMotorrad la moto fplane l'avion Flugzeug l'aereo 1 t$="We are NOT at the controls<of the ultimate strategic<defense computer; we ARE the<computer, the...": 1 t$="We also have a Pursuit droid's<eye view of this chase.< The game has six levels and<each must be mastered before<advancing to the next. It is'nt<until level four that the game<requires more than just zap<tactics.": 1 t$="Tri-pedroids are mechanical<three legged kamakaze sabateurs<who have the nasty habit of<hopping around service tunnels<and exploding at vital<airlocks. We pick these pests<off with a<Pursuit Droid ^ within the<tunnels": 1 t$="This screen shows the power<plant and is just one of the<ten excellent views of the<base.": 1 t$="This is not as daunting as it<seems as 'Service Records' may<be SAVEd on tape and LOADed<later to resume play at the<same level.": 1 t$="The action may seem a touch<slow for the Zap game purists,<though it must be remembered<that all ten screens can be<under simultaneous attack.": 1 t$="Psytron is an< 'arcade action/stratagy' game.<The action concerns zapping<alien space craft before they<can drop their destructive<payload of bombs or deliver the<Tri-pedroids!": 1 t$="Psytron is a well planned game<that starts easy and progresses<into a sophisticated challenge.<To really apreciate the game it<is essential to master the<first four levels.": 1 t$="Our task is to monitor the<bleak skyline of BUTULA 5 and<defend its human colony<against the remorseless alien<attacks!": 1 t$="From this level on, we also<become responsible for an<increasing number of other<essential duties including the<ordering of supplies,repair<work and even crew morale! ": 1 t$="BEYOND are also offering a<prize of a SINCLAIR QL to the<first person to survive one<hour defending Betula 5!!< PSYTRON 48K `7.95< BEYOND,DURRANT HOUSE,< 8 HERBAL HILL,< LONDON EC1R 5EJ.": 1 shops."''"I failed to spot very much 1 select pics & colours 1 rqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 1 rq1qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq 1 rq1qqpppppppppppppppppppq88888888888888889999889899998888?8888888888888888888888999999888 1 rq11111111111111111111111 1 q$="Trouvez "+n$(n,t, 1 q$="Indica "+n$(n,t, 1 q$="Finden Sie "+d$+a$(i,t,1 1 q$="Find the "+a$(i,1 1 publicity for the way that the 1 p$(ql,qc,1 1 p$(l,c)=p$(ql,qc) 1 o,o;" PRESS ANY KEY " 1 nen verde verde yellow yellow jaune jaune gelbe gelben giallo gialla white white blanc blanche weisse weissen bianco bianca 1 ne gr 1 make the whole operation 1 life=life-1 1 l,c;t$(f): 1 know, you can make back up 1 j$="You are at a junction between corridors" 1 j$'(y$+"an empty bottle on the floor" 1 including a SAvE to microdrive line at 9998." 1 h$="Fred": 1 generate z$ 1 details of your game so that you can RUN the game again from that point." 1 d$="das ": 1 copies of most of our stuff withBREAK and GOTO 9999."''"From this month we are also 1 cli)+("up " 1 cli)+("down " 1 clI)+("South " 1 clI)+("East " 1 check programs that also load 1 c$(w)=p$(ql,qc,2 1 bus l'autobus Bus fil bus car la voiture fAuto la macchina florry le camion Lastwagen fil camion train le train Eisenbahnzug fil treno boat le b 1 black black noir noire schwarze schwarzen nero nera blue blue bleu bleue blaue blauen blu blu red red rouge rouge rote roten rosso rossa green green vert verte gr 1 backlog and got them into the 1 automatic. You will need to 1 advintro#5 1 a$="WINDOW": 1 a$="WEST": 1 a$="STRAW": 1 a$="SOUTH": 1 a$="NORTH": 1 a$="LOCK": 1 a$="GRYPHON": 1 a$="EAST": 1 a$="DOWN": 1 a$="CHEST": 1 a$="BOTTLE": 1 a$="BLOOD": 1 a$="BARE HANDS": 1 a$=" By Neil Stevens 1 `20 price advantage on interface1 got lost on the way." 1 ________________________________ 1 ^hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPhhhhhhhjjjPPPPPPPhhhhhhjjjPPPPPP``````` 1 You Are Dead!! 1 X\XX0000000 1 X\X000000000X\X 1 XX\XX0000XXX\XX 1 XXX\\XXXXX\\XXX 1 XXXXZXXXXXZXXXX 1 XXXXX\\\\\XXXXX 1 XXXXXZZZZZZXXXX 1 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU 1 UUUUUUUUU0 1 Trouvez le camion rouge.R 1 Trouvez le camion rouge D 1 The Long Way Home 1 T$="1000000": 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 SCORE POINTS PUNKTZAHLPUNTI 1 Rewind & play tape ( 1 Replay tape to 1 Program BARRY THORNE 1 Press any key to continue. 1 PVVVVVVVVVWPP 1 PSYrev 1 PRESS ANY KEY 1 NB. if it doesn't 1 London W4 4PH. 1 LET THE TAPE RUN" 1 Jimpix#5 8/B 1 Instructions 1 In order to break out of the game to load side 2 of 16/48, Press CAPSHIFT 6 ,Type LOAD"""" "'"ENTER, and play side 2. 1 Graphics JIM DANN 1 GAMMA q 1 G ""3D MAZE""" 1 F ""comp8"" 1 EURODROID K 1 EURO 1 E ""SCREEN*2"" 1 DROID 1 D ""M*LOADER"" 1 C ""DYNAMICrev"" 1 B ""TACTICS"" 1 Advent#5 1 ANOTHER GO? (YES/NO) UN AUTRE ESSAI?(OUI/NON)NOCH EINMAL? (JA/NEIN) ANCORA? (SI/NO) T 1 A$="WINDOW": 1 A$="DOOR": 1 A ""16/48D&G.8"" 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@**************** 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 @@@@@@@@@@@@ 1 ?8888888888888888888888888888888 1 ;z$;" ": 1 ;s$(t);" ";sc;" " 1 ;'"Play the tape containing your previous game": 1 ;"We have had lots of requests forinstructions to save THE LONG WAY HOME onto microdrive."''"For chapters 1 1 ;"The long way home" 1 ;"TAPE 08 JULY 84 SIDE 1" 1 ;"Starting in this issue we are making life easy for microdrive users by including save lines inalmost all our programs."''"As our regulars will already 1 ;"Start the tape": 1 ;"So they finally cleared the 1 ;"Send letters, problems, ideas, subscriptions or orders for back issues(`3 each) to "'" 1 ;"START THE TAPE"' 1 ;"SIDE 1 LOADING" 1 ;"Press any key to restart": 1 ;"Part 5": 1 ;"PSYrev": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 ;"PRESS A KEY ( 1 ;"Let the tape run to the end of side one (16K machines will not LOAD the machine code part)."'"If you save the game it may"'"only LOAD after CLEAR 32766": 1 ;"It is not always possible to 1 ;"Issue 9 will be a bumper summer number and should reach your newsagent by about 26th July. It's going to be a good'un!"''"Issue 10 is scheduled for early September so you had better findsome healthy outdoor occupation for August. Unless, of course you still cannot get out of the castle." 1 ;"High Score:";hs; 1 ;"EXTRA COMMANDS FOR 48K'ers" 1 ;"Don't worry about the silence between loading the program & machine code" 1 ;"By ";h$: 1 ;"BRAVO! ";s$(t);" ";sc;#1 1 ;"Advent#5": 1 ;"Advent#5" 1 ;"16/48TITLE": 1 ;"16/48TITLE" 1 ;"16/48EDIT8": 1 ;"16/48EDIT8" 1 ;"""comp8"""''"Issue 4 winners and very short competition which, just for a change, does not involve sendingin a cassette.": 1 ;"""advintro#5"""''"Introduction to chapter 5 of THE LONG WAY HOME.": 1 ;"""TACTICS"""''"A strategic game by Simon Smith.Also a fairly demanding test in high speed mental addition.": 1 ;"""SCREEN*2"""''"A high speed machine code"'"routine for magnifying the"'"the screen by 2.": 1 ;"""PSYrev"""''"We check out Beyond's PSYTRON.": 1 ;"""M*LOADER"""''"SAVE this program as ""run"" on your microdrive cartridge and you can stop worrying about syntax and forgotten file names.This utility will look up all files on any drive and load themwith simple cursor controlled commands.": 1 ;"""GAMMA"""''" By Neil Stevens"''"An endearing little character on a mission to rescue rather less endearing ""gammas"" before they freeze solid in the icy cold of outer space."''"Well you can't seriously expect a scenario that makes sense.": 1 ;"""EURODROID"""''"16/48 is currently being translated into Flemish. Just tomake this really difficult we present a memory game which runsin English, French, German and Italian."''"(Do remember not to CLEAR or RUNthis program)": 1 ;"""DYNAMICrev"""''"We review Procom's "'"DYNAMIC GRAPHICS package.": 1 ;"""Advent#5"""''" THE LONG WAY HOME"''" Chapter 5......The Castle.": 1 ;"""3D MAZE"""''"Ben Lewis becomes our first reader to have two programs featured with this very clever program."'"Apologies to 16K owners, but this is a 48K only program.": 1 ;"""16/48TITLE"""''"Don't tell me you've fallen for it again!": 1 ;"""16/48EDIT8"""''"This month includes some useful information on saving your favourite 16/48 programs onto microdrive.": 1 ;"""16/48D&G.8"""''" ""OF DUNGEONS AND GREEN MEN"""''" This month Yaz features"'" KNIGHT'S QUEST.": 1 ;" 16/48 JULY 84 TAPE 08 " 1 ;" RUN THE TAPE ": 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY": 1 ;" " 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 88888888hhhhhppppppp(((((((8888888888888hhhhhppppppp(((((((8888888''''88 1 888888888888888 1 8888888888 1 863@7@699k4@5649665j4j9j494l3j3k7k768k9k 1 67890123456789 1 4=ITALIAN" 1 4 you need to edit lines 93 and 8500 to insertmicrodrive syntax in all LOAD & SAVE statements. Then you can RUN and respond ""y"" when asked if you want to save."''"Chapters 5 on have microdrive options programmed in." 1 16/48TITLE% 1 16/48LOAD1 1 16/48EDIT8 1 16/48 magazine, 1 10 Barley Mow Passage, 1 000000000pp00000000000qp00000000HHHHHHHHHpq11111111111qpHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?8888888888888888888888888888888 1 000000000004 1 0 Created by Muf for 1 -(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((-(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 1 ,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,0 1 )="f"))+" "+n$(n,t, 1 )+" "+n$(n,1 1 )*(k$="8")-(x>1 1 )*(k$="7") 1 )*(k$="6")-(y>1 1 )*(k$="5"): 1 )'" 1 ''"In order to fit ""EURODROID"" into16K the program does not define any of its variables."'"For this reason you will lose the program if you CLEAR or RUN."''"If you wish to BREAK out then tostart again you should GOTO 10." 1 ''"Do you want a print out of theseinstructions ? (y/n)" 1 ''" 1 ""16/48TITLE"" 1 '"You can save the main program totape or microdrive with GOTO 9999 or 9998, but you MUST CLEAR 1 '"You Have Beaten the High Score of ";hs: 1 '"This adventure continues in the next edition." 1 '"SAVE to Tape or Microdrive"'"(t 1 '"PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME": 1 '"If you get stuck, EXAMINE"'"everything mentioned by the"'"computer, or, type HELP." 1 '"Do you want to read these again?"'"(y/n)" 1 '"Do you want to load a previous game ?" 1 '"1=ENGLISH 1 '" You Hang in space with only Horizontal movement.Save the GAMMAs as they drift through outer space.But watch out!!! Some GAMMAs have been driven mad by the zero temperatures of space.The frozen GAMMAS are white.They will kill you if you try to rescue them. " 1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1 #p;'"Use short sentences where"'"possible."' 1 #p;'"The story so far......."'"You are trying to find your way home via a series of Trans-mat units that you were forced to"'"scatter at random through time &space." 1 #p;"WHAT CAN I SEE - This reminds you of where visible exits are"'("and shows you a picture." 1 #p;"SAVE GAME - This will SAVE & 1 #p''"16/48 Presents the 5th episode of our text & graphics"'"adventure game.(High speed, hi-res graphics for 48K'ers only.)" 1 #p'"You tell the computer what you want to do by typing in ENGLISH.(Then pressing enter)" 1 #p'"You must draw a map wherever yougo so that you can find your wayaround." 1 #p'"N = GO NORTH"'"S =GO SOUTH ...etc"'"INSTRUCTIONS - gives you these instructions again." 1 #p'"In each episode of the game you are looking for one of the"'"transmat units in the hope that it will get you home."''"This month you find yourself"'"inside an enchanted castle." 1 #p'"HELP - The computer may give youadvice."' 1 #p'"GO NORTH, SOUTH, EAST...etc."'"EXAMINE THE ..."'"TAKE THE ..."'"GET THE..."'"WHAT HAVE I GOT WITH ME ?" 1 #p'"Don't worry if your character iskilled early on in your first game, it is all part of the learning process !" 1 #p'"Certain single words can be usedas commands. These are:" 1 #p'"Avoid giving more than one"'"instrucion per sentence." 1 # 880000 ## 1 # 00000 # 1 "rewind & play": 1 "advintro#5" 1 "advent5/48" 1 "You tie the sheets together and tie them to the battlements"'"They reach to within 10 feet of the ground.": 1 "You take the STRAW": 1 "You take the BOTTLE": 1 "You start a fire, smoke billows around you. You suffocate": 1 "You pour the BLOOD into the"'"bottle": 1 "You need some thing to burn"'"(Like straw)": 1 "You must find a way down": 1 "You materialize.": 1 "You hear a muffled voice saying ~GO AWAY~": 1 "You have;": 1 "You feed the Gryphon, it eats you.": 1 "You dematerialize...": 1 "You cannot reach the sheets": 1 "You cannot go ";a$: 1 "You are unable to do so.": 1 "You are standing in front of a TRANS-MAT unit, with the red,"'"yellow & blue buttons.": 1 "You are safe this side of the"'"fireplace. But why is the"'"Gryphon here ?": 1 "You are on the inner BattlementsThere is a courtyard below.": 1 "You are in large room. The door is bricked up.": 1 "You are in alarge courtyard"'"To the north you can se a draw- bridge. There is a rope running from it to a large wheel. There are some sheets tied to one wall": 1 "You are in a tower surrounded bybattlements. Outside the Castle you can see the TRANS-MAT": 1 "You are in a fireplace"'"You can see a bedroom": 1 "You are in a fire place"'"To the west you see a room";(", witha large pet Gryphon staring at you" 1 "You are in a chamber."'"There is a door to the west": 1 "You are in a cell"'y$;"a straw bed, a window"'"high up & a closed, locked door": 1 "You are in a Maid's bed chamber."'y$;"a large bed, a chest"'"a window and a door to the west.": 1 "You are halfway along a corridor";y$;"a large empty fireplace in the east wall": 1 "You are at the top of some"'"stairs. The way ahead is blocked": 1 "You are at the bottom of a"'"chimney": 1 "What are you going to do ?"'" 1 "Use one of the following words in your sentences;": 1 "Try examining things": 1 "Too late the Gryphon kills you": 1 "There are exits visible;"'("North " 1 "The window is too high to reach.There is an image of the"'"Trans-Mat unit in the glass": 1 "The window is an obsatcle even to a thief with friends !": 1 "The wheel is too stiff to any thing to": 1 "The rope burns through & the"'"draw bridge opens": 1 "The lock disolves and the door opens.": 1 "The gryphon is the other side ofthe fireplace. ";: 1 "The grill is too strong for you to do anything to.": 1 "The chest contains a pile of"'"dirty sheets": 1 "The blood burns you you cannot touch it": 1 "The Gryphon is coming towards"'"you slowly.": 1 "The Door has a heavy iron lock it is locked": 1 "Suprising as it may seem, you kill the Gryphon with your bare hands": 1 "See you next month for more of 1 "Put cartridge in drive 1": 1 "Nothing happens.": 1 "NORTH","SOUTH","EAST","WEST","DOWN","CLIMB","UP","EXAMINE","LOOK","SEE","GOT","TAKE","GET","HELP","FEED","PUSH","KILL","TIE","BURN","POUR","KNOCK","SAVE GAME","QUIT","WHEEL" 1 "Make sure that your map is"'"accurate.": 1 "Long Way#5" 1 "Language number? "; 1 "It is greased, you cannot": 1 "It is dripping blood. The blood is dissolving the nails in the floor": 1 "It does not seem to make sense.": 1 "If the computer can't understandyou it will suggest a few words to help you."'"It will not tell you every word that it knows as this would"'"spoil the game." 1 "INSTRUCTION" 1 "I did not understand that !": 1 "How can you kill it, with your bare hands ?": 1 "EURODROID" 1 "Do you want to save this programon tape or microdrive? (y/n)" 1 "Advent#?" 1 "Advent#5" 1 "A man opens the door"'"He says ~What are you doing hereGET OUT~ ... You are thrown intoa chamber": 1 "A FLINT","some STRAW","a BOTTLE","some GRYPHON'S BLOOD","and a pile of DIRTY SHEETS" 1 ";';" We will pay `5 for anything we publish and `50 if you can send us an original program which we can feature.";';" Meanwhile enjoy the rest of the tape....": 1 "4";"PRESS 1 "16/48TITLE" 1 "16/48LOAD1" 1 "16/48EDIT8" 1 "''"This is a memory game. You will be shown 20 pictures and then when you press a key they will all disappear behind doors."''"Use the cursor keys to move the droid and press BREAK to open the door."''"You have to find 10 objects. Each wrong door opened loses 10 points."'"Each object found scores 100."''"Now enter 1,2,3 or 4 to select the language you require." 1 "'"QUIT - This restarts the game." 1 "################################ (3 Lives)"'" 1 ""a""-4667 before loading." 1 ! 1 ! 1 ! 1 to read again."; 1 to move on." 1 from cartridge instead of tape."''"We have always assumed drive 1, but you can obviously change this if you wish." 1 for hard copy)" 1 display doors 1 and then edit the line at the start so that the programloads the 1 USEFUL PHRASES 1 TO READ AGAIN"; 1 TO MOVE ON." 1 STOP THE TAPE 1 START THE TAPE 1 PRESS A KEY TO PLAY 1 Operation 1 NEXT PROGRAM 1 INSTRUCTIONS 1 Do You Want Another Game ? 1 COMMANDS " 1 7 ""Advent#5"" 1 6 ""advintro#5"" 1 5 ""PSYrev"" 1 4 ""EURODROID"" 1 3 ""16/48EDIT8"" 1 2 ""GAMMA"" 1 1983 16/48 Magazine Ltd*S\ 1 (score=7)" 1 (lose life)" 1 ________________________________ 1 8 8 1 High Score :";hs'"By:";h$: 1 &000& 1 THE 1 SAVE 1 &0& 1 400000 88888888888888888888888888888888?8888888888888888888888888888888 1 ": 1 ": 1 " 1 By Neil Stevens 1 USE KEYS: 1 1 1 1 1 1